September 29, 2011

Lick ma batteries.

Im going to try and get a goatee and have a toned body. Gimme just 3months, we'll see how this goes.

September 25, 2011

Yea I gotta pay for everything in my life, not that I mind but I know I needa control my expenditure. But I've never asked anything too much, at least I don't ask for a laptop, a desktop, a camera, an iphone, money to buy clothes etc. But you expecting me rolling in big bucks is probably a little too much.

Actually you know what, I'm through this.
Shit happens and if u've never been through the situation, dont go tell someone frail to " think of those people starving in africa" "those who cant have three meals a day" "those who are disabled" because u've never beed through their situation neither had I, so i cant understand and connect to them, neither can you. Be honest, if u havent been through that, shut the fuck up if u cant say anything else. I admit i havent been through the shittiest life, but i wouldnt say that it isnt shitty.

In other words, theres alot of self-hating going about, but its not something i can even control. Be it past present or future, things are the way it is, a fucking downward spiral. Is that good nuff for u?

September 18, 2011

If you see him,

Tell him there is a tambourine in my heart, and yes he still shakes me. Last night I felt the trembles beneath my skin that screams a silent fear and whisper a deafening love. Love, a trap door of light even when it's gone it's somewhere. If you see him, tell him there are snowflakes in my tongue I want to melt in his inner thigh, there are rib bones I want to tickle like a piano, so that musical score starts forming in his lungs and make him sing a song of love.

If you see him, tell him we make everything so complicated, sometimes the message in the bottle is don't drink so much. There's too much detergent for a frail heart. Rain will wash away his tears, but it brings him the greatest fears. Tears never show in the pouring rain, but there are deserts out there that dries his tears so quick and pulls him into a burning passion of love, sometimes so overbearing, he can't escape from the fire.

If you see him, tell him that the moon is his fault, moons that I called "Oh fuck" and "Oh shit". I want to tear off my skin and make him wear it, so that I can feel him from the front and the back of my body at the same time. There are times when I look at you and I can't even think straight, and I don't even mean it in the gay way.

If you see him, tell him I said Hi.

September 15, 2011

Somethings are just uncalled for.

September 13, 2011

I'm probably gonna steal a DSLR soon. Wait for it. Haha!

September 12, 2011

Take me by the tongue and I'll show you.

I had quite a number of good talks lately. I can just sum up all these conversations with "People who gives less always have the last say in a relationship and people who constantly gives are always on the disadvantage".

Oh, and I got intoxicated again. Not that I was drunk but I tend to blabber a lot of bullshit.

September 10, 2011

People just don't meet people organically anymore. It is as if the social media platform is very feasible for making friends.

People change, and it's quite amazing at the rate certain people can change. Yea, people change, now I'm a lamp.

September 7, 2011

Eat more food.

Been eating a meal a day or less, sometimes after eating a meal, i'll have the urge to put two fingers down my throat. I know it's getting bad, but I couldnt care any less.
It's good when your working environment has cuties, awesome adrenaline pumping when you see them. You just want to squish their faces and nibble on their cheeks.

I don't feel well rested enough. I think it's because of alcohol that I can sleep better. Shiet.

September 5, 2011

Crumble like sugar, but sweet like sugar.

At some point in life, our lives are thrown into a void of pitch-black, and it wasn't just any simple darkness of night cloaked above our heads. In the void, we hear voices, fear and loss. Losing what many would have taken for granted and never thought they would ever lose.

And then my heart sank and my mind blanked. What is going to become of me? And what is going to become of everyone around me. Just what is going to happen? People come and go and love walks right out the door the minute you leave that door unlocked. Not literally, of course.

You feel and think about how unfair life has been. Who said its never been this way? If life was fair, there wouldn't be a wedge driving the rich and poor apart. There wont be the healthy and the sickly. You won't see where many of us are today. Life, indeed is unfair, but the irony of it all is that when you actually sit down and start giving thought to what life really is all about, time tend to swift past no slower than you can gulp down that cup of warm milk before bed time. There's so much to life that we all tend to overlook, and there's so much to this overlooking that we neglect.

Just what is worth dying for?

Long time ago, I found a precious thing that i wont truly trade for anything in this world, and if you'd ask me whether I've truly loved before, why don't you take some time off to reflect on whether you have truly loved before? Of course, i must say - my idea of love is not limited to romantic love and pure lovemaking. Also, it is quite upsetting to know that people around me associate love with whom they're infatuated with or lust for.

Afterall, love is not about possessing. if we want what we want, thats wanting, not loving.

Surely, I dont really understand the whys and hows of love. It's just something so magical. There is indeed so much to know about love and so much for love to find its way to us. That night when you held me a glass jar of love, I didn't even notice that a chocolate brownie trapped in it. I was just too mesmerized with your presence. I had to look around for a very long while before stealing a kiss from your lips. That chocolate brownie lasted inside my room for a week, before I got too lazy to buy packed dinner. When I take a bite into the pastry, I realised that love isn't always so magical. Sometimes, it's just melting.

Go think about it, and let that marinate a little bit. Come to a conclusion of your own. Love can be subjective, but it can be so universal too.

Of course, even if love gets washed away by the rain in the path of life, as long as we're true to each other, nothing beats having close friends you can really count on, for there is nothing more beautiful than how the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it's been sent away.

Throwing away fear

"I definitely will not deny that bolsters do make good sleeping partners, but there are just some things our bolsters cannot do. Bolsters do not have arms that will hug you safely to sleep, neither are bolsters able to give you a goodnight kiss before you close your eyes, whispering those three sweet words into your ears as you slowly drift off to slumberland.

And thats not all.

Sometimes your bolsters even end up on the floor when you wake up. In the mornings, bolsters cannot tell you that you look beautiful even though your eyes can barely open, your hair's in a total mess and not to mention, having rancid breath."

September 2, 2011

I promise, I promise, I swear on my life

What is a promise when you can't keep it?
And what is trust then?
Just sayin'.

September 1, 2011

Oli Gummy.

Been folding paper origami. Somehow, doing that helps me get over shitty feelings and that's prolly cause i incidentally injected the feelings into those origami (and that probably explained why they looked so ugly).

Anyway, I'm tryna find sites/books that teaches the techniques of origami folding, any idea where I can get good ones?