November 4, 2011

Arts, Design and Make-out.

First party experience with baby love Rae and it was more than fun, and indefinitely enjoyable (except the kissing thing). I felt slightly awkward there though haha, cause I'm not from ADM and shit, but twas good to make new friends and shit. There was this perturbingly faggot who pulled me to him and kissed me, with the tongue and all, I was surprised at first but I wanna just let it pass like that cause you know people get drunk and shit. I only kiss girls when I'm drunk, not guys, even if they are gay. Anyway, the people I've kissed last night were really bad aggressive kissers they bit my lips lotsa times -.- Fuck anyway, back to the douchebag, I heard that he was attached to this other guy and shit and I began to feel fucked up. It's crazy when you think about what really governs these people. Definitely not order and discipline, more like wild trashy fun (in a sexual way, too). And I wonder why people are like this.

Anyway, fuck that shit. Lotsa cute boys last night, shan't complain. Woo. I loooove ADM.

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