June 9, 2011


"We just need this someone we can trust and rely on when we're really fucked, even though we'll do the best we can to not end up being fucked up"

Every puff of smoke is like a problem wafting out from your heart. It was definitely enjoyable, because we had so much to talk about, so many heart-to-heart talks and I felt that we could've been much closer like a family if only we knew each other for a longer period of time. I'm glad that I actually talked about it, because I'll probably feel fucked up if I didn't have the chance to when I was already thinking about it and setting into the mood of emo-ness. Definitely great night, and fuck yea, cheap thrill (not really) baby.

We were talking about how much certain people meant to us, and only a few exceptions whom we trust them that they'll be there when we need them, and we also would be there for them if they ever need us. Then again, we'll be tired out by people who're constantly self-abosrbed into their own problems and issues that they become overly reliant on others and they can't seem to stand on their own anymore. It is heart-breaking to see people fall, yet as much as we want to help them, we're too tired to help them deal with their own problems because we know there's absolutely nothing we can do to help but only listen and give them comfort, which is what they basically need. It's just like how when we get really fucked up in the clubs and we don't really need anything else but the comfort of our friends, and to be held in their arms, and to tell us that everything's going to be fine even if we don't believe in it.

I guess the way we can connect with each other is usually through similar experiences rather than interests. We connect in a way that people can see from your eyes, not the bimbotic way of "oh-mai-gad-i-know-right-like-tolly-man" thing. I love this gay thing.

And yes, Truth or Truth is fucking fun.

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