June 19, 2011

*insert corny-title*

PinkDot Singapore this year was pretty breath-taking, and I didn't know the size of the dot was almost covering the entire grounds of Speaker's Corner. I thought it was great because I happen to see a lot of female friends from my secondary schools (they probably knew I was gay anyway), and we nodded in acknowledgement.

It's not possible to make everyone "accept" the LGBT community, because after all, it's instinctive for most people to reject what they cannot understand, what they fear, what they are not or cannot be, or what they cannot explain. But I always believe that acceptance is a choice. It is a choice to choose to truly put yourself in other's shoes and see from a different perspective, or to understand things superficially but rejecting ideas in the end and try to be the judge. It is a choice to control yourself and stop verbal abuse on others just because of their sexuality, or to lash it all out. It is a choice to accept; whether it's accepting how it comes about, or just accepting that it is not "abnormal" or "wrong".

Acceptance is a choice, but your sexual preference is not.

You can choose to see that gay men are sexual predators and are dangerous to children, base on one or two instances of media portraying them in this way, or you could choose to see that media is dangerous to children because it portrays gay men as sexual predators.

You, however, cannot choose if you want to fall in love with a man or a woman, or choosing which gender you would actually prefer to shag. If you're a straight man, why will you even consider a man unless you have that inkling feeling that men are what you're actually looking for? (that means you're gay by the way) The same thing goes for both genders.

Some might argue that bisexual have a choice, but no they don't. Sexually, perhaps they can choose a dick over a pussy, or a pussy over a dick but it doesn't mean they can choose to fall in love with a man or a woman. You cannot control who you fall in love with, because when it happens, it happens.

PinkDot to me is so much more than supporting the freedom to love, it is a movement that's telling people to love and accept people as they are, regardless of language, race, religion, body weight, looks, etc. We are but animals after all, and love is one of which that makes us so. Without love, we're just savage beasts that knows no warmth in the heart.

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